ADELPHOS INDIA MINISTRIES is an inter-denominational organization with the vision and commitment to the unreached parts of North India where the Christians less than 1%, with the Good News of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Millions are remains unreached. Thousands are coming to Christ. Several factors hindering them to continue in their faith in Christ I this land several  people are persecuted. In ministry they might be beaten and ridiculed. Some of them would be killed. People experience community restlessness, political convulsions, face natural disasters and feel the heat of price hikes. In this context of  uncertainty, the message  of the Bible has always been comforting, relevant and challenging.  It has the power to transform and redeem.  It empowers us to work for peace and harmony.  It challenges us to be the reconcilers for a better life.  It prepares us to lead a new life in union with Jesus Christ.

It has been working in close partnership with church.  AIM recognizes the evangelistic needs of the church for its worship and mission.  It also serves the old, young, children, women, and illiterate through variegated media In my experience God is raising up a great ocean of willing Christian leaders who is ready to finish the task. Missionaries need for training, transportation, and support.

I strongly believe God has chosen me for this work and put this great burden in my heart. I don’t want to waste a single hour or the energy which God has given me. I wish  never miss the opportunity.


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Please mail your valuable suggestions and comments on this site at was last updated on 27 July,2001